Next Stop, Spelman

When Drew Roberts ’20 applied to several historically black colleges and universities, Spelman was at the top of her list. “I’m beyond excited that I was accepted,” she says. “Spelman is one of the top HBCUs. It’s very competitive and the students are extremely hardworking women.” U.S. News & World report agrees, ranking Spelman College as the No. 1 HBCU in the nation.

Attending the college’s two-day Spelbound program for newly admitted students clinched her decision. “I’ve never been happier in my life than during that visit. To see people who looked like me, who were embracing community - the sisterhood was amazing. I know that I will be seen there. I have very big goals for Spelman.”

A Passion to Help Others

One of Drew's goals is to major in psychology. “It’s been one of my passions for a while,” she says. As someone who has faced her own mental health issues, Drew understands the importance of removing the stigma. “I began seeing a therapist in my junior year of high school, and it took a long time to get my family on board because there are a lot of preconceived notions about mental health in the Black community. That’s why I want to be there for other people.” 
Her dream is to become a therapist for tweens and teenagers of color. “I remember how hard it was for me, and I want my community to know that there are people out there who genuinely care and support them.” The biggest hurdle, she points out, is often the worry that seeking help will be viewed derogatively. “That was a big fear of mine when I first began seeing a therapist. It’s very common for Black people who are neurodivergent or suffering from mental health issues to be overlooked or to be considered disruptive. But it’s really about what’s going on in their brains. I don’t want to see that continue to happen in my community.”
Finding the Right Balance

Drew is eager to jump into her classes and everything else college has to offer. She can’t wait to join a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities. “I want to be do-it-all Drew during my first year,” she says with a laugh. “I want to meet lots of people, try different things, and see what I like. Then I’ll rein it in from there.” 

Becoming a member of Spelman’s glee club is a priority. “They performed during my Spelbound visit, and it was so uplifting. I was captivated. Music is another one of my passions. I was in my high school choir all four years.” Drew also played varsity volleyball while at Stoneleigh-Burnham and was co-captain of the team during her senior year. “Spelman just reinstated a sports program, so if they offer volleyball, that’s what I’ll do.” She’s thinking of joining a sorority as well.
Although she has big plans for campus life in Atlanta, Drew won’t let all the activities get in the way of academics. “I really want to commit myself to my studies and to striving as high as I can,” she says. She’s confident she will, thanks to her eight years at Harlem Academy. “My teachers at Stoneleigh were shocked by how much I already knew, especially in English and history. I also entered high school two math classes ahead. When I was at Harlem Academy, I thought I was simply learning what other kids were learning. But when I got to high school, I realized that I had learned so much more. Harlem Academy has a mentality that I know will continue to carry over to my college career.”

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