Welcome, Harlem Academy graduates.
While your time at Harlem Academy has ended, we hope that your connection to our school has not. As you progress through your high school and college years, we want to hear how you are doing and how we can support you in your learning and growth. Whether by connecting you to organizations that can help with college applications or by helping you find productive summer opportunities, we are a resource for you.
We also want to give you a sense of connection to old friends and the amazing ways Harlem Academy graduates are contributing to their new schools and communities. Look out for periodic updates about your fellow graduates and be sure to let us know when you are up to something exciting.
As students at Harlem Academy, you grew together and helped shape the values and direction of our school. As graduates, you endow your new institutions, communities, and social networks with the empathy, intellect, and work ethic that you cultivated here. We are proud of you and the way you represent us wherever you go.
With appreciation,
Mr. Dotoli, Ms. Bell, and Mr. Wigfall